jeudi 13 août 2009

Here you can find a list of all games that will be played during the marathon. You can also see how long it took us to complete it as well as the number of deaths and the amount of money collected during that particalur game.

Super Mario Bros.
Start time: 8h00pm
End time: 8h23pm
Lost lives: 1
Money collected: -

Call Of Duty 4- Modern Warfare
Start time: 9h00pm
End time: 12h50am
Fatalities: 21
Money collected:

Lego Star Wars
Start time: 12h53am
End time: 3h29am
Fatalities: OVER 9000

The Legend of Zelda- Ocarina of Time
Start time: 3h32am
End time: 12h16pm
Fatalities: 0

Super Mario 64
Start time: 12h20pm
End time: 14h40pm
Fatalities: 7

Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Start time: 2h52pm
End time: 6h00pm

Killzone 2
Start time: 6h00pm
End time: 11h35pm
Fatalities: 44

Guitar Hero- World Tour
Start time: 12h01am
End time:8h33am

Ratchet and Clank 2
Start time: 8h39am
End time: 3h33am

Prince of Persia- The Sand of Time
Start time: 3h39am
End time:

Silent Hill 4
Start time:
End time:

Halo 3
Start time:
End time:

Assassin's Creed
Start time:
End time:

Little Big Planet
Start time:
End time:

During the marathon

After two months of hard labor, the Press Start Marathon will finaly begin! It's time to play 72 hours of intensive gaming! (chances are, we are going to play even longer!) We are proud of our project and hope that you, our viewers, will come watch and encourage us throughout the event. Thank you in advance!

We just want to remind you that, on the homepage, a video will be filming our entire marathon; this means you can watch us and even chat with us thanks to the chatbox. Also, all donations will be given to Operation Enfant Soleil by credit card thanks to the ChipIn application, which can also be found on the marathon's homepage.

Press Start on Rue Frontenac

One day before the start of the marathon, an online article dedicated to the Press Start Marathon was published by Rue Frontenac, a group composed of the "locked-out" journalists working at the Journal de Montréal. This ought to give a little boost to our visibility, and, what's more, only a few hours away from the beginning of the event! Thanks a bunch, Rue Frontenac!

mardi 11 août 2009

New page

A new page has been added to the site. The "Fan Art" section will allow you to see some of the art our fans have done for our marathon! You may also submit art of your own, if you wish. Send us your art today!

mardi 4 août 2009

The games

There is the game we are gonna play, the approximate hour we should play it and who play it.

Super Mario Bros, Alex                                        Thurdsay 8h00pm

Call of Duty 4, Charles                                Thursday 8h00pm

Lego Star Wars, Alex et Marc-André                Friday midnight

Zelda Ocarina of Time, Clarence                         Friday 3h00am

Super Mario 64, Marc-André                              Friday  1h00pm

Super Smash Bros Brawl, everybody and on the internet                       Friday 4h00pm

Killzone 2, Patrick et Charles                               Friday 6h00pm

Guitar Hero World Tour, Everybody                 Saturday midnight

Prince of Persia : The sand of Time, Simon       Saturday 10h00am

Ratchet and Clank 2, Patrick et Marc-André    Saturday 3h00pm

Silent Hill 4, Charles                           Saturday 9h00pm

Halo 3, Clarence et Simon                                     Sunday 3h00am

Assassin’s Creed, Patrick et Charles                   Sunday 10h00am

Little Big Planet, everybody                                Sunday 5h00pm

To donated

On our main page, you will see a box. This is the ChipIn application that we will be using to collect the money and keep track of the total amount. To donate, simply click on the designated button and follow the instructions; you can then safely donate with your credit card. The collected money will be transfered to the marathon's Paypal account. Once the event is done, a check will be sent to Opération Enfant-Soleil. We must collect the money in this manner due to the fact that the organisation doesn't have a PayPal account.

Our agent within the organisation
Gabrielle Ferron
(514) 380-2323, ext. 203

To contact us
On demand, it is possible for us to send you a copy of our contract with the fondation.

More details

After a few week, here are (finally) more details on our second marathon!

First off, why did we change our team's name, you ask? Well, obviously, we had to change it, considering the fact that our theme no longer is Guitar Hero. We stuck with Press Start after a while because we thought it had a nice ring to it. :) It's the first thing you see when you're on the main screen of a game, you know? [Press Start, with the occasional Press Any Button To Continue, but let's not talk about that one for now...]

We also decided to give funds to a different foundation. We chose Opération Enfant Soleil this time around because it was located in our province. We just thought it might be better, seeing how Child's Play was located in Seattle and all...

The team also suffered the loss of two members. Samuel and Anthoni both decided not to participate in this year's marathon because they had other plans. However, a new team mate has joined us : Clarence (He doesn't bite, don't worry).

As mentioned earlier (a few weeks ago...), we will run through 14 games this year. Different styles will be played this time around, enough to make pretty much everyone happy. Their success however, links them together!

Speaking of which, this should be our play list:

Super Mario Bros.

Call of Duty 4

Lego Star Wars

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Super Mario 64

Super Smash Bros Brawl

Killzone 2

Guitar Hero World Tour

Prince of Persia : Sand of Time

Ratchet and Clank : Going Commando

Halo 3

Assassin's Creed

Little Big Planet

As well as a currently undetermined horror game (probably Silent Hill 3 or 4)

Finally, we don't really have a goal amount this year. Seeing how last year we thought of raising 15 000$ and got 3 615$ out of it, we decided to try and raise as close to 11 385$ as possible in order to reach our original goal in two marathons instead of one.